Do What You Can Live With

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Ethics? Helping families? You can’t do that when your ego gets in the way

I joined this ethics group on FB called “It’s time for ethics” couple months of ago and started to learn shockingly how fucked up addiction treatment is. I suspected it was bad but man. When I joined this group I started getting attacked by Jennifer Barton who runs “Real talk about rehab” and her minion Jessica Duff on social media. I had not heard of Jen before. I did however get a soft warning about her tactics. What I didn’t realize was that I had a brief convo with Jen when my daughter was missing in Jan and quickly forgot about her because people send me messages and info all the time. Well, Jen expects you to know and remember who she is otherwise…lookout!

After she put in my comments I lied about being a nurse practitioner I still decided to give her a chance. I would want to be given the same courtesy. I then ended up in her fb group and never took the time to look at the content until a couple days ago.

It wasn’t until I decided to review her group that I saw a fat shaming post on the woman who runs the other group, and it appeared that every few posts there would be another post about the other FB group admin. I get not liking someone but does the beef need to pour into your page? Plus kids, even adult kids should be off limits. People with SUD tend to not make the best choices yet let’s keep bringing it up and throwing it in the moms face? To me that was a big red flag because essentially the character defects and inability to self reflect on the role she herself may be playing in the drama just didn’t exist. It’s everyone else’s false.

I had made the decision to leave the group at that point but then saw an old post about me and my daughter. The comments between Jen and Jess about me and just the way they would speak about mothers who live a very painful existence when having a child struggling with addiction infuriated me. You do not have to like me but to have amusement and mock the “trauma bond” this community has is so hateful and disgusting especially when you boast about how much you help families. I said my piece and removed myself from the group .

Let the harassment and false allegations begin.

  1. I was accused of teaming up with a Blake Cohen and multiple comments were made and I had no clue who that was or what they were talking about. Well they decided because I have that authors book on my recommended list which I read over 2 years ago I must know the person? I read a book, I liked it and I’m going to share.

  2. Then I was accused of brokering my own child. Not sure how that works.

  3. All of my families LLC’s were plastered in her group and I’m called a fraud? Umm my husband owns a business, I own an online boutique, and I have an APRN business because I do 1099 work for hospitals PRN. Where is the fraud?

  4. I was attacked for promoting harm reduction! Narcan saves lives and is considered harm reduction.

Why did this all start? It comes down to this hatred she holds for the admin of “it’s time for ethics.” She thinks Melissa influenced my decision when in reality it was Jens actions that made me run 🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️as fast as I could away from that dumpster fire of a page and her.

I was warned that she harasses people but doesn’t move on, she always reappears. I know the history of her and her minion but unlike them I am not going to publicly share to harm them because everyone has pasts. I guess all I can do is pray for them.

Jen, I hope you seek guidance at maybe looking at your role in your own misery. Hurt people, hurt people. If you really want to help families it’s probably time for a character makeover.

Below you will find the comments I discovered on a post about me, and then the entire private conversation with myself and Jenn Barton. Otherwise every other interaction has been in comments.