Do What You Can Live With

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Show me the money?

You have times in your life when you sit back and think…"How can I cash in on this?” I think that is a natural thought because many of us tend to live beyond our means. For the last 3.5 years I have dedicated so much time and energy into my social media, responding to messages with a genuine response that is unique for each person. I never wanted anyone to feel like I was ignoring them unless of course it was some douche bag troll.

I knew I wanted to write a book, to do a podcast, and then I thought…I am going to create a course for families to help them navigate through their loved ones addiction and treatment system. I knew there was a need for this because reliable resources are extremely hard to find. I started developing it, and I was going to charge for it. I mean mama has tons of student loans and I was constantly being told I should get paid for my services. I agreed. I was going to provide a course and offer 1:1 coaching for those interested.

A little over a week ago, I had this feeling come over me and I just knew 100% I couldn’t do it. As much as an extra income sounded appealing I just knew I did not want to go in that direction any longer. I feel that if I can put good out into the world, then good will continue to come my way. I can’t help but feel that we all have a purpose a life, maybe this it for me? or maybe I got dealt a shitty hand of cards and was dumb enough to express my pain on social media lol.

If I could do it I would open my own treatment facility and attempt to offer service that encompass the entire family and work with individuals that want to have a program that will produce actual results and solid follow up. A facility where the employees get out into the community and offer harm reduction methods. I want to see families get their loved ones back, be the facility that if someone slips up they will trust us to help them figure out who they want to become and support them getting there. Do I think this will ever happen? No…it’s a dream.

What I can do is I can continue to speak on the subject, do interviews, network and get involved as much as my time will allow. and I pray that at some point the system changes. I wish I could do more. I wish I had the time to dedicate to changing the system full-time but I am once person and cannot do it all. There is nothing super special about me. I am just like each of you. If you want to bring change start local. Each of you have a voice just as strong as mine. Our love for our families does that.

My advice to any of you in recovery, to families…tell your story. Tell the good and the bad. I do not mean on social media but share your story with a stranger, coworker, friend. I tell you this because suffering alone makes living this life 10x’s worse. By speaking you no longer have to carry that pain alone…we all deserve community. YOU deserve community. I love and appreciate each of you!

xoxo- Brandi Mac